The Story of Hero Among Heroes ch.180

Weekly chapters (2/2)

Finally, after the long hiatus, we got a new update from Author-sama.
Time to re-read the whole series again? XD

Enjoy and stay safe everyone.

Translator: Raizu
Editor: Schwartz13

Eastern Expedition 12 – Dormada

[I wasn’t surprised when I saw it like this.]

[My master’s magic power is big. With just that, He can cause such confusion. So if he keeps continuing, he will collapse.]

[…Certainly,it’s my first time seeing that kind of magic.]

Two men stood in a murderous wilderness with the smell of blood.

One is a man with a foreign appearance.

The other is a demi human warrior with the appearance of a white lion.

Shu, the Commander of the Arcadia army, and Regulus, the head of the True Beastman tribe.

Shu and Regulus, each of them led their troops into the demon beasts, who were in panic because of Ares’ magic.

The battlefield turned into a one-sided slaughter during this chaos.

The army led by the two of them drastically annihilated the hordes of demon beasts.


Regulus and Shu were looking at distance while thinking of one person.

He… no, the strength of his master, Ares, is too unusual…

A cavalry like that black heavy tank. Red-colored light cavalry. A magic soldier in a blue robe. and more than anything…

(What’s with the strength of the infantry who wore a white bracelet on their arm?)

It is already known to them that their master has used too much magic and lost consciousness.

At that moment. It felt like the temperature of the air around them had dropped.

His respected master has collapsed. Even if it is fatigue and tiredness.

The army under the direct control of Ares, [Destruction]. What they commonly recognized.

That is

Master’s [Trust]


[Hate] against the enemy

Ares probably used his magic to the limit, thinking they would do something even if he wasn’t around.

Yes, they cannot call themselves his [Army] without responding to that trust.

And the other is… Hatred for what they let their master do so far.

Don’t miss even one enemy.

That spirit was transmitted to everyone who belonged to the [Army].

Shu, who was commanding them on his behalf, agreed with them too.

Being entrusted with everything. And like the army… no, he had more hatred.

Shu who held in high esteem for his ancestors, traveled from a distant place to look for a master, and found him in this foreign land. His heart was in rage as he witnessed his master fall and worn-out.

The appearance of Shu who is the general, and the [Destruction Army], which is famous as the strongest of the Margrave Army, naturally infects even the other soldiers at the end. No, all the soldiers have the same respect for Ares as they do.

With the morale that could reach the heavens, the Margrave army thoroughly destroyed the demon beasts.

(These soldiers are strong…who was the man named Ares who made them so far…)

Regulus was looking at the land in which the mountain of corpses and a river of blood spread in front of him… and he thought of his benefactor who helped his kins.


After the war is over, several hours have passed. Ares woke up.

As soon as he woke up, he dismissed the advice of his subordinates begging him to rest, and without any delay, held a military congress.

His subordinates such as Shu and Zecca, as well as Regulus, who is treated as a guest general, are also attending.

Ares’ instructions are straightforward.

[The Dormadia’s troops were almost destroyed in this battle. We cannot afford to miss this opportunity. Immediately we will head to the home country of Dolmadia. Our aim is Dormada, the Royal capital of Dormadia.]

And Ares said with a laugh, a little tired.

[I want this fight to be the last fight against Dormadia. We have to surround Dormada, and make sure to not miss that pig. That’s why…]

After taking a breath, Ares overlooked the whole and opened his mouth.

[All troops sortie. Destroy them, and bring peace and stability to the west of the eastern continent.]


Dormada, the Royal Capital of Dormadia.

It was once the Capital of the Kingdom of Samantha in the northwestern part of the eastern continent.

In the eastern continent where small nations are crowded, the Kingdom of Samantha was as big as the Beiseld Kingdom…

There is a history that it was destroyed overnight without any means to fight a flock of demon beasts that suddenly appeared.

Dormages, who changed the Capital name of the Kingdom of Samantha to Dormada, which bears his name, set it as the center of his kingdom, and ruined the eastern part of the eastern continent.

Ares and his army stormed Dormada, a city dominated by the demon beast.

However, instead of invading the city, the city is restrained by surrounding it with the First Army and the Fourth Army, which are centered on the [Destructive army].

And for how Ares and the others invaded this city behind them… they were holding a military congress.

Below Ares, Shu, the 4th Corps Commander, Loran, the Deputy Corps Commander, Regulus, who has been invited as a guest general, the main members of the White Army, and even the captains who led thousand units are gathered.

[The information from Zecca says that there are only a few demon beasts left in the city. We should make a total attack!]

[…However, the former inhabitants of the city who are enslaved. The possibility of involving them during a total attack would be…]

The discussion became complicated. The conclusion is still uncertain.

Ares listened to their opinions one by one and went through silence without speaking anything.

At that time.


I heard a screaming voice from a distance.


[What happened??]

The Generals in the room became noisy. But Ares, Shu, Zecca, and Regulus knew who the scream belonged to.

Ares smiled bitterly at Zekka and Shu, who were nearby.

[It looks like that pig is about to reach its limit… So are we going to slaughter?]

It’s a laid-back comment. And a word with a strong will.

Ares looks around the Generals, and makes the final decision.

[Thank you for everyone’s opinions.]

When he said that, everything on the spot, including Shu, closed their mouths.

[It seems that there are few demons and demon beasts on the area, but there are many people who are captured as slaves. Therefore, this time I will try to send only a small number of elite people at once.]

After he said that Ares looked at everyone.

[All members of the White Army will wipe out the demon beasts in the field. This time, we will annihilate them with all our might. Yes, don’t let any of them live.]

Ares looked at the White Army representatives and commanded them. Their eyes shined and nodded.

[The First Army… The [Destruction], the Red Army and the Black Army will continue to move as a reserve force while going around the outside.
The remaining First and Fourth Armies will surround the city and defeat the fleeing demons and demon beasts. I have said it many times, but don’t miss even one alive.]

When he said that, everyone who was there nodded uniformly with a serious expression.

[I, Shu, and Regulus will go toward the Pig King. Both of you, be ready.]

Shu laughed a little, and Regulus also nodded powerfully as a matter of course.

[Now everyone. Let’s end this turmoil in the western part of the eastern continent. Make a name for yourself in history.]

All the people in that place, responding in the words of Ares, stood up loudly.

Everyone can’t control their excitement because they feel as if they were the characters in the story.

It has been around 2 months since they left the Istrea Kingdom.

The clash with Dormadia will finally reach its final stage.

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