New Project Announcement (April 2022)

Greetings everyone. Raizu is here with some news~

1. We decided to do another collaboration with Travis Translations.

The Holy Grail of Eris a.k.a Eris no Seihai (Novel Update)

The new chapter will be posted on our group Patreon and Travis site. Similar to what we did on Santairiku Eiyuuki project. As for the schedule, we can guarantee 2-3 chapters / month.

From the past week, I read all of the raws chapters and got hooked. The plot and mystery is really written well. So marvelous. Furthermore, this webnovel has already completed. (No more cliffhanger from Author-sama~). 

I hope everyone will enjoy this novel too.


2. Perhaps some of you might already noticed that the Patreon chapters is bit lagging behind the schedule. However, rest assured, we will always delivers and fulfill the Patreon chapters in the end. 

Nega Translations has delivered a lot of chapters from 2016, please look forward from our releases on the future.


3. I know that this bit sudden news about why suddenly we picked-up a new project despite we already have bunch of them on our hands.

As you’re aware, recently my editors were busy with their IRL, so it’s hard to adjust their time to edit the chapters. I’m grateful for my editors can be patient with my DM spams for the chapters (Thanks Shirayuki, Sushi, and Mirp for keep staying with me so far).

That’s why with this collabs project, we can use the help from Travis group for this project. Sometimes I asked help from Schwartz13 to help edit the chapter whenever our editor is unavailable because of sickness, vacation, or work trips.

Aside of that, the main purpose for this collabs is so for the novel can reach more and wider readers than before. Currently beside JP novels, Travis Translation is also translating CN and KR novels too, so I’m positive that we will receive more attention and benefit to the group as whole.


TL:DR: Please support us on our Patreon or Ko-fi or Travis’s Diamonds, so I can treat myself and my editors some games, pizzas, or gift cards. Please look forward for the new project chapters in the future.

Alright, that’s all the news for now.

Have good day and stay safe everyone.

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