The Villainess in Her Seventh Loop ch.15

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Translator & Editor: Raizu

Chapter 15 – Scorn is painful and itchy

I heard that “tonight’s soiree will be a small one held in the inner hall of the main castle”. However, a large number of guests have gathered in the dance hall where a music band is playing.

There were women wearing bright dresses and men wearing military uniforms, which is the country’s formal attire. A group of people dressed in high-class attire were chatting with glasses in hand.

Rishe, who put her hand on Arnold’s arm, stopped at the entrance before entering and looked around.

[…It turned out to be a much bigger meeting than I expected.]

[Is that so? It’s a bit quiet considering it’s being held in this castle.]

[A-as expected from the powerful nation standards..]

The number of people gathered in this hall is the same as a large-scale evening party held in Rishe’s homeland. Once again, Rishe was surprised at the richness of the Valkhyne country, but Arnold, on the other hand, had a look on his face as if he was saying that it was completely worthless.

[No matter how many people get together, all that’s going on here is some stupid political schemes. Here they come.]

As he said, the guests quickly gathered around them who had stopped near the entrance.

[Your Highness Arnold. It is an honor to be invited to join you tonight.]

[…Lord Liber. Thank you for coming]

[Your Highness! I’m glad you’ve returned safely. Please come and tell my daughter the story of your journey.]

[Unfortunately, there is nothing special to say.]

Arnold, surrounded by a large crowd of people, was clearly unfriendly.
His face that Rishe looked up from the side was also different from the usual and cold. Maybe it’s because his handsome features make him seem even more ruthless.

(However, this cold-looking face is closer to the 『Emperor Arnold Hein』in my head…)

As she was thinking that, Arnold noticed Rishe’s gaze and looked down.
Then, just when she thinks he’s done with his old Buddha-like face, he comes to the venue and smiles for the first time.

[――However, it was a fortuitous trip.]

The women’s cheeks turned red at that fearless smile.

However, Arnold didn’t care about those heated gazes. Instead, he looks into the face of Rishe, who was standing next to her, and smiles at her so close that he almost kisses her.
And then he declares:

[This is how I was able to find someone to be my wife.]


A commotion ran through the area.
Seeing his beautiful features from a close distance, Rishe felt something flicker in the depths of his eyes. On the other hand, the surrounding women become agitated by the expression on Arnold’s face.

[H, His Highness is smiling…? At that 『hostage』?]

[Wife…! Up until now, he hasn’t even paid any attention to us…]

Although their voice was whispering, I could make out the gist of what was being said by their movement of the lips. The person who stepped forward was a stout man who was carrying a girl who looked like his daughter.

[Your Highness. Then, this beautiful young lady will be your fiancé――…]

All those around Rishe were staring at her with piercing gazes.

Curiosity. envy. insult. An ulterior motive. They may be trying to hide their feelings, but they can’t hide them at all.
Yesterday, Oliver was careful not to make me feel uncomfortable as much as possible.

But, this kind of thing doesn’t hurt or itch.

(Well, compared to a scene where an engagement is broken off in public.)

Moreover, Rishe repeated this seven times. Even though she doesn’t feel anything about the engagement being broken, she doesn’t flinch in a situation like this.

So, she smiles softly and bows to me, holding the hem of her dress.

[This is my first time meeting you all. My name is Rishe Irmgard Vuetzner.]

Rishe’s moving her right leg diagonally behind while bending her left leg, and gently lowering her head while keeping her back straight.
At that bow, the nobles who were trying to make pressure on her as 『daughter of a lower-class country who was brought in as a hostage』 flinched.

Rishe’s posture and attitude was the one she thoroughly trained during her strict queen education in the past. There were times when some of her movements showed the habits that she had acquired from other parts of her life, but Arnold was the only one who was suspicious about it.
Arnold looked at Rishe with satisfaction.

[――She just came from another country, and she doesn’t have many people to rely on yet. If I, who will be her husband, is not around, I would like everyone to help her.]

[O…of course, Your Highness.]

[Let’s go, Rishe.]

Rishe took Arnold’s hand and left the group.
All eyes in the venue were now directed towards me. Rishe protested in a low voice so that the people around her didn’t notice.

[…You were sowing unnecessary sparks to the other ladies.]

[What’s spark?]

[Of course their jealousy. Emphasizing the word 『wife』 like that only fuels their fighting spirit.]

Then, Arnold snorted.

[If I didn’t make it clear to them, there might be a movement to judge you as a wife-in-name only and eliminate you. Since you’re my fiancée, you will be the target of attack no matter what anyway. If so, it would be better to show it publicly now.]

[What do you mean by showing?]

[That I will protect you no matter what.]


Rishe couldn’t help but blink after hearing something so outrageous.

(Protect? …Protect! Arnold Hein, protect me!)

A strange itchy sensation arises, and she is confused.

On the contrary, he killed her in her previous life. Of course she couldn’t say that, and people would think she was daydreaming, so she was at a loss for words.

After hesitating, Rishe began to talk.

[I don’t really need to be protected. If anything, Your Highness is the greatest threat to me.]

[Hoo. What do you mean I’m dangerous?]

[In many ways. For the time being, I don’t feel like I can compete with your sword skills.]

It’s frustrating, but there’s no doubt about it. However, Arnold looked happy when he heard that.

[Maybe you and I can try making a training match soon.]

[Yes, please! If possible, I’d also like to have some teaching too.]

[Well, I don’t mind.]


If she can learn about the sword techniques used by Arnold, she might be able to understand how to counter it.
Even if she can’t reach that level of sword speed or strength, she might be able to get some kind of hint. When Rishe’s eyes sparkled with anticipation, Arnold shook his shoulders and laughed.

[As expected, you will give me an answer that exceeds my expectations.]

[W-what do you mean? …Oh, it looks like the music is about to start.]

What flows is a soft melody. The people gathered in the hall split into the center and the walls. Before they knew it, the only people around them were the men and women who were about to dance.

It seems that all eyes are on what the Crown Prince and his fiancée will do.

[There’s no need to force yourself to dance.]

[Oh, I’d love to join the fun, shall we?]

Taking her question as a provocation, Rishe once again holds out her right hand to him.

[…Very well.]

Arnold took her hand and naturally led her to a space with fewer people. Normally, he seemed to be treated as if he were disrespectful to women, but he seemed to have gotten used to it.

When they moved to the center of the hall, they faced each other and held hands.
Arnold put his other right hand around Rishe’s back.


The hand that was gently placed on her was bigger and more manly than she expected. At that moment, Rishe gasped.
I guess this is the first time she has gotten this close to Arnold.

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